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Little Cowgirl Needs a Mom Page 6

  Jenny could see Evan fighting with an answer. “Are you sure it’s okay with her parents?”

  Allison appeared. “It’s fine. The girls are about the same size, so Gracie can borrow something to wear from Cherry. And I’ll bring her home tomorrow morning.”

  Both girls turned back to Evan, wide-eyed, silently waiting for his answer. He knew Jenny was watching for his reaction, too. He nodded. “Okay, you can stay the night.”

  Gracie jumped up and down along with Cherry, then she hugged him. “Oh, thank you, Daddy.” Just as quickly she released him and returned to her new friend.

  “Can we go back now?” Cherry asked. “We want to play in my room.”

  Alex took charge. “Then let’s clean up and get going.”

  The girls began to pack things in the bags as Alex came up to Evan. “The first time is the toughest,” he said. “We want to protect our little girls, and all they want is to be independent.” Alex looked at him. “It’s no secret you and Gracie have had a rough couple of years. It’s good to let her get out on her own.”

  “She’s never wanted to before,” Evan admitted. “Now, she’s asking for things I have no idea how to give her.”

  Alex shook his head. “Females. They’re hard to figure out sometimes.” He suddenly grinned. “But they sure make life interesting.” The man turned and shared a glance with his wife. “Oh, yeah, very interesting.”

  Evan couldn’t stop looking at Jenny as she helped the kids gather things. She must have sensed his gaze because she turned around. When she smiled, a warm heat shot through him, settling low in his gut.

  He tore his gaze away and found Alex watching him. “Jenny’s a special person with a big heart. I’d hate to see her hurt again.”

  The message was clear. “I don’t plan to hurt her,” Evan said, knowing the only way for no one to get hurt was for him to stay away from the woman.

  He was going to do his darnedest to accomplish just that.

  Later that evening, Evan sat on a stool at Rory’s Bar and Grill as his dad worked behind the bar, drawing beers from the tap and mixing drinks. Rory’s wasn’t usually busy on a Sunday night and Evan was glad. He took a drink of his beer and listened to a Carrie Underwood ballad on the jukebox.

  Too restless to sit around the house alone with Gracie gone to the Casalis’, he’d surprised himself when he got into his truck and drove into town.

  His dad came over. “Can I get you another one?”

  Evan stared down at his half-empty glass. “No, I’ll nurse this one for a while.”

  Sean nodded. “You should come around more often.”

  “I’ve never been the type to hang out in bars. And I usually have Gracie.”

  Sean studied his son. “And you were married young, and then Gracie came along.”

  Yeah, she’d arrived seven months after the wedding. Evan thought back to those days when Megan had returned from college, fresh with her degree and so many dreams.

  He’d been working the Merrick Ranch and saving for his own place. They’d dated only a few times before spending the night together. A few months later, with Megan pregnant, they were standing in front of a preacher. After Gracie’s birth they’d moved into the foreman’s cottage at her parents’ vineyard.

  “Socializing seemed to get me into trouble.”

  His father smiled. “I think you’re older and wiser now. Besides, you can’t regret that beautiful child.”

  “I regret a lot, but never her. She’s the reason I’m working so much. I know I don’t show her the love I should, but it’s hard.”

  Sean placed his hands on the bar. “And I don’t like to speak ill of the dead, son, but Megan didn’t help you bond with your daughter.”

  Evan took a long drink of his beer. He didn’t want to rehash the past. “Maybe if things had been different…” He knew that he had tried to get close to his wife. Maybe if they had been head over heels in love to start with they could have worked harder at being a couple, a family. He’d tried, but Megan was unreceptive to the idea.

  “You can’t change the past, Evan,” his father continued. “So it’s time to move on. Don’t give up on finding someone else.”

  “What I need is to concentrate on Gracie.”

  “A loving relationship with a woman would be good for your daughter. You’re only thirty-three. It’s a normal thing to want to be with a woman.”

  He really didn’t want to hear this. “Didn’t we have this conversation when I was thirteen?”

  Sean laughed. “You didn’t listen then either.” His smile faded. “Just don’t give up on making a life for yourself, son.”

  He met his father’s gaze. “How come you never found anyone after Mom left us?”

  Sean shrugged. “I guess I wasn’t looking, or there wasn’t the opportunity.” He glanced to the doorway. “Not like you.” A slow smile creased his face. “How lucky can you get when that special one walks in the door?”

  Evan turned his head and found Jenny standing at the entrance. He didn’t need her here. He didn’t need his heart racing, or his gut tightening into knots at the sight of her, either. Yet lately that seemed to be a common occurrence whenever she was around.

  That meant big trouble for him.

  Jenny had called herself crazy as she changed out of her comfortable sweats and into a pair of jeans and a cotton T-shirt. Then again when she slipped on a pair of heeled sandals and hurried down the steps of her apartment and out the back of the shop.

  She told herself she was wanting a barbecue sandwich and some fries. That was her story and she was sticking to it. Spotting the Rafferty ranch truck from her window had nothing to do with it.

  Telling herself she needed to stay away from Evan hadn’t slowed her progress as she crossed the nearly deserted street toward the neon sign of Rory’s Bar and Grill. She took a breath, and walked into the dimly lit room.

  A wooden L-shaped bar ran nearly the length of the space. Against the side walls were a half dozen high-backed booths, mostly empty tonight. It was a nice place with a warm atmosphere.

  “Hi,” she said, too breathless. Evan looked good, freshly shaved and wearing a starched Western shirt and nice jeans.

  He nodded. “Jenny.”

  She glanced away. “Hello, Sean,” she called as the older man came around the bar to greet her with a hug.

  “Hi, lass. You look mighty pretty tonight.”

  She couldn’t even remember if she’d put on any makeup. “Thank you.”

  “So you finally decided to check the place out?”

  “My own cooking brought me here. I hear you serve a great barbecue sandwich.”

  Sean winked at her. “It’s the best. What else can I get you?”

  “Some fries and make it to go.”

  Sean frowned. “You can’t go home and eat alone.” He glanced at his son. “Evan was about to eat. Go and sit in a booth. Share some conversation and I’ll bring you your food. What do you want to drink?”

  Jenny wasn’t sure this was a good idea. “I’ll have whatever Evan’s drinking.”

  Sean hurried off, and she heard Evan say, “We’d better do as he says. You’re not getting out of here until you eat.”

  “I didn’t intend to interrupt your evening.” She was such a lousy liar, but he didn’t look too happy to see her. “I mean, you don’t have to babysit me.”

  “Have you heard me complain?” He led her to a booth and she scooted in.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said and went behind the bar to draw a beer from the tap. He walked back and set both glasses on the table, then slid next to her.

  She took a sip of beer. “Okay, Rafferty. Is this how you spend your night off?” She knew Gracie was sleeping over at the Casalis’.

  “Geez, do you think I’m out chasing women?” He turned toward her, giving a hint of a smile. “Sorry to disappoint, but I’d rather have a quiet evening, enjoying a drink and talking with my dad.”

  She nodded. “Being single suc
ks, huh?”

  He locked those baby blues on her. “From where I’m sitting it doesn’t look so bad.”

  She felt a warm shiver go through her. “Oh, I bet you say that to all the ladies.”

  “This is Kerry Springs, not San Antonio. A social life is pretty limited.”

  “I’m sure you draw the attention of a lot of females in this town.”

  He took a long drink from his mug. “You’ve mistaken me for Matt. I don’t go out much.”

  She sobered when reality hit. “You still miss your wife.”

  He didn’t acknowledge her statement. “My concern is Gracie. We hadn’t exactly been close. Not like she and her mother were.”

  Jenny toyed with her glass, envying any relationship between a mother and daughter. “And you’ve been working on that. You’ve helped her get to class.”

  “And you’ve talked me into letting her have a sleepover, which you’re helping with. You must have caught me at a weak moment.” He turned to her. “Thanks for volunteering to help.”

  “Hold the applause and wait until we see if it’s a success,” she smiled.

  He nodded, his long tapered fingers rubbing up and down the sides of the beer glass. “There’s something else I want to get off my chest.”

  She watched him. No other man had ever made her so aware of her femininity with just one look. He was a big man, but there was softness to his strength. She could easily slip into his arms. She shook it off and said, “What is that?”

  “I apologize for nosing into your business with Perkins. I had no right.”

  She blinked in surprise. “Accepted. And for the record, only in my head did our relationship get serious.” She met his gaze. “Brian is a nice guy. I think I fell more for the idea of love than I actually fell in love.”

  He held her gaze. “It can be incredible, I hear.”

  She caught a flicker of something in his eyes. Regret. Loneliness. Was he saying his marriage wasn’t as perfect as people had believed it to be?

  She glanced away. No, this wasn’t any of her business. “You have Gracie and your family.”

  He sighed. “Yeah. A nosy father and a pushy brother. Whom you need to watch out for. Matt can be pretty charming.”

  She doubted Matt was the Rafferty she had to worry about. She fought a smile. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Before he could speak, Sean carried out two large plates of food and placed them down on the table.

  “Sorry it took so long.” He placed his hands on his hips and grinned. “Nothing like good food and conversation,” he said as a lone customer walked in the door. “Got to get to work.” He waved as he went behind the bar. “Hello, Michael.”

  Suddenly Evan was feeling like a teenager. He was far too aware of the woman beside him. The more time he spent with Jenny the more he felt he wanted her. Question was, did he want to do anything about it?

  “This smells delicious,” she said.

  “Dad wasn’t lying when he said it’s the best around.”

  He watched as Jenny picked up her oversized sandwich and took a bite, leaving a smear of sauce on the side of her mouth. Desire shot through him as he fought the urge to lean forward and remove it, giving both a taste. Instead he picked up a napkin.

  “Here, you have sauce on your mouth.” He reached out and wiped it off. She froze, allowing him to clean her up. Their eyes locked and instantly he was mesmerized. “Damn, woman,” he breathed, then pulled away. “Eat your food before we both get into trouble.”

  Twenty minutes later they’d finished the meal.

  “I can’t finish all this,” Jenny announced, leaving half her food. “I’m stuffed.”

  Evan patted his stomach. “I didn’t have any trouble.” He hadn’t realized how hungry he was. And not only for food. He looked at Jenny. Although he didn’t want to leave her, the direction his thoughts were taking wasn’t a good idea.

  “I hate to cut this short,” he began, “but I need to get up early tomorrow. I’m helping Matt move cattle.”

  She groaned. “I think they should outlaw Mondays. But if truth be told, I’d probably get up early anyway. I love dawn.”

  Evan stood. “It’s my favorite time, too.” He placed some bills on the table, but when she reached for her wallet he stopped her. “Don’t even think about it.”

  “But you don’t need to pay for my supper.”

  “What if I want to?” He helped her out of the booth. “What if I wanted to share dinner and conversation with you?”

  Her gaze held his. “I just didn’t want you to feel you had to.”

  “If I’d felt that way, I’d have let you take your food back to your apartment. Can we agree sharing a meal was nice?”

  She nodded. “Yes, nice,” she said in a soft, breathy voice.

  “Now, hopefully without argument, I’m going to walk you home.”

  Jenny nodded, then they waved to Sean and headed for the door. He followed her out into the darkness, then took her by the elbow as they crossed the street. It was dark as they made their way to the other side and started down the alley. Several sensor lights came on as they walked past the other businesses on the way to the back door of the quilt shop.

  “It was a nice evening, Rafferty. Thank you.”

  She took out her keys, but he stopped her. “I like it when you call me Evan.” He knew in his head this was a bad idea, but couldn’t stop himself as he pulled her toward him. He gave her a chance to back away, but she didn’t. “Say my name, Jenny.”

  She swallowed. “Evan,” she breathed, and his mouth closed over hers.

  Evan shut everything out of his mind, except for the feel of Jenny’s body pressed against his. He drew a breath and inhaled her fresh scent. He reached up and cupped her head, feeling the silkiness of her hair. On a soft moan, she opened her mouth and he got to taste her intoxicating sweetness. He hadn’t realized how hungry she made him.

  He broke off the kiss but not his hold.

  “Maybe this isn’t a good idea,” Jenny breathed as her arms slipped around his neck.

  His mouth brushed over hers; he wasn’t listening at all to common sense. “It feels pretty damn good to me.”


  IT was a little before nine the following morning when Jenny came downstairs to the shop. Millie was already there, and, to her surprise, so were several other women. They were all seated at the round table at the window.

  “What’s going on?” Jenny asked as she came up next to her coworker.

  Millie took her to the table. “Meet the ladies of the Quilters’ Corner. You already know Beth Staley and this is Louisa Merrick and Liz Parker. And soon there will be more.”

  Jenny smiled, excited they were here. “Morning, ladies. I’m glad you’re taking advantage of the space.”

  Millie turned to her. “You know, most times when you get a bunch of women together there’s drama.”

  “There’s just going to be quilting,” Louisa Merrick said. She was an attractive woman in her late fifties. Her raven hair was laced with gray and pulled into a bun, showing off her beautiful bone structure. Her dark eyes sparkled. “My husband, Clay, is a Texas politician. He causes enough drama.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “Sounds like your life is exciting,” Jenny said, knowing a little of Senator Merrick’s reputation.

  Louisa smiled. “I’d rather have a houseful of grandkids to spoil, but my son, Sloan, is a little slow to fill my request.” Louisa smiled. “You say you’re single?”

  Jenny found herself stuttering. Please don’t let anyone set me up with a date.

  Beth spoke up. “Sloan is more interested in raising his free-range cattle than in women right now. Jenny’s been busy, too…with her girls’ class.”

  “He’ll be interested,” Louisa assured her, “when he finds the right woman.” She looked encouragingly at Jenny.

  “I won’t be staying in town past the summer. I’ll be returning to San Antonio and my teaching job.”r />
  After a series of groans from the women, Beth started talking about her granddaughter, Kasey. And Jenny was happy to no longer be the main topic of discussion. What would everyone think if they knew Evan Rafferty had kissed the daylights out of her last night?

  She smiled to herself, knowing that, as much as she’d enjoyed the kiss, she couldn’t make too much out of it. Talk about a mismatch. Evan wasn’t the man for her. A warm shiver went through her at the memory of his touch.

  Maybe if she wrote it on a piece of paper a hundred times then she’d start to believe it.

  That same morning, Evan began his day as usual. He walked through the vines, checking the grapes as he had every day for years. He’d always been a man who thrived on routine, on habit.

  But he wasn’t in the habit of kissing women.

  He closed his eyes and Jenny came to mind. In the last twelve hours he hadn’t been able to erase her image, or the feel of her against him, or the taste of her.

  The truth was, kissing Jenny had been incredible. He hadn’t wanted to stop, but he’d had to. It wasn’t wrong to want a woman, he told himself, especially a woman as appealing as the dark-eyed blonde.

  What bothered him was how she made him feel. He wanted casual, and she had marriage and kids written all over her. He couldn’t go there again. Besides, Jenny had befriended his daughter. That could complicate things all to hell. And he needed to put his energy into his relationship with Gracie.

  No, marriage wasn’t for him. He couldn’t make his first one work, so why would he try again?

  At the sound of a horn, he looked over his shoulder and saw a crew-cab truck pull up next to the barn. Alex Casali and Gracie got out along with her new friend, Cherry. His daughter waved and he started down the slope as the group came toward him.

  “Hey, Gracie.” He’d missed her more than he could have imagined.

  “Hi, Daddy,” she called, surprising him as she rushed into his arms.

  “Did you have a good time?”

  She stood back and smiled. “It was so much fun. We watched movies and played video games.”

  Hadn’t she missed him at all? “Sounds like fun to me.”